John Malki

My natural therapy healing story
This is a summary of my personal cancer-healing diet regimen (applicable to heal practically anything else, too). See the links below for my personal regimen, and a generally applicable regimen for you. I'm not a doctor, and this is not medical advice, this is just my story.
When a person receives a diagnosis of a deadly cancer (as I have), they have two choices. Either follow the conventional course of treatment prescribed by their doctor, that is misguidedly hyped as hopeful, and the most appropriate plan, but still ends in death, or refuse to be content with just that one dismal option, and hunt for more options. Most people acquiesce to conventional treatment because their doctor is inexcusably trapped in their medical paradigm and therefore woefully ignorant of alternatives, and/or hostile to any alternatives competing with their lucrative monopoly or arrogant intellectual prestige. So without the patient having full information about alternatives, nor the gumption to explore alternatives on their own, they are trapped on a pathway that ends ONLY in misery and death. Conventional medicine utterly misses the mark on cancer, oblivious to the reality that cancer is enabled by our standard modern toxic diet and lifestyle, and preventable/curable by employing the opposite, an ultra-optimal diet and lifestyle. Fantastic results are the NORM in this little-known world of natural therapies; its track record is far superior to the DISMAL track record of conventional cancer treatment, which is not hard to beat, considering it's not much better than NO TREATMENT at all. As a result of my non-medical, natural method, the trajectory of my cancer has been reversed, and my terminal prognosis has been nullified.
If you or someone close to you are ever diagnosed with cancer, or other serious, chronic condition, consider this: Conventional medicine certainly has its zones of value, benefits, soundness, and necessity. But it also has danger zones, caused by inherent biases and conflicts of interest which create limitations and hazards, and its practitioners are human beings subject to these typical human failings. Avoiding these problems requires that you soberly, affirmatively acknowledge the existence of these inherent risks, and analyze the issues yourself. Merely trusting in expertise, credibility, or personality, without knowing the relevant facts and risks at issue in the particular situation, is not rational medical care, it is reckless and potentially deadly. So slow down and think twice about conventional treatment. ESPECIALLY when it comes to cancer; oncology is definitely the specialty most susceptible to deadly error, its track record is objectively DISMAL. Consider and investigate natural, non-toxic, painless alternatives that offer superior results, which worked for me and countless others (more info on my website, see link in this comment). It turns out cancer is not such a mystery, nor such a deadly monster, after all, but is treatable or curable without necessarily enduring injurious drugs and procedures (or without depending on them exclusively), IF you escape the rigid box of the limitations and hazards of orthodox medicine. Ditto for a LOT of other common diseases, including the big ones. Here is a concept that is unfortunately largely ignored by medical and popular conventionality: if you remove the factors that foster disease, and abundantly add in the factors that help the body to optimally function and heal, you get better. If you're not getting better, and by that I mean actually healing rather than merely managing symptoms, then re-think your method. And if you experience medically-induced remission, consider it temporary, since you still have not addressed the underlying cause. You can't heal by using a method that is proven to not be able to heal; don't stop investigating until you find a method with the potential to actually heal. Just because a food product is on the shelf, just because the popular cultural or commercial norm has evolved to where it has, or just because some government agency has declared something safe and effective, does not mean it really is healthy or safe, in fact most of the stuff on the shelf, and popular notions, are permeated with hazards. You have more personal control over your ultimate outcome than you think, you just need the information you were ignorant of, and the objectivity and diligence to put it to work. And this is parallel to spiritual truth and salvation; the bible says it this way: "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. (Matthew 7:13-14)." And, "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death. (Proverbs 14:12)." I've watched people die on the popular road while I'm saved on the unpopular road. Think about it before the crisis occurs, while there's time to be saved.
I'm diminishing my cancer with NUTRITION, and you can do the same for your own health problems. It turns out the Standard American Diet is very unhealthy, and actually CAUSES, or certainly WORSENS, most chronic diseases, and a genuinely healthy diet can prevent or reverse those diseases. HELLO, YOU REALLY ARE WHAT YOU EAT! You won't hear this healing concept from your doctor, because this simple truth (amply supported by science) is ignored by conventional medicine for reasons too involved to state in this short summary. YOU have to take charge of your condition. YOU have to save your own life. The diet-caused, diet-treatable (even curable in many cases) diseases include: cancer, cardiovascular disease (everybody has it, don't wait for the crisis to erupt), Type-2 diabetes, auto-immune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, MS, celiac, eczema, etc.), migraines, hypertension, obesity, neurological degeneration (dementia, Alzheimer's), joint pain, infertility, acne, hormonal imbalances, mental illness, etc.
The basic healing regimen consists of the following concepts (click here for more comprehensive details applicable to you):
1. Reduce or eliminate animal products (meat, dairy, eggs, fish, etc.).*
2. Reduce or eliminate refined grains, particularly white flour/bread/pasta, white rice, etc. (eat lots of whole grains only).**
3. Reduce or eliminate refined sugar and salt.***
4. Reduce or eliminate fat/oil.***
5. Reduce or eliminate chemical additives.***
6. Reduce or eliminate processed, packaged "foods"; increase the proportion of whole plant foods in your diet, including whole grains (including whole grain wheat or multi-grain bread/pasta, oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, etc.), starches (potatoes/tubers), vegetables, fruits, legumes (beans, lentils, etc.).****
7. Eliminate the unredeemable stuff: nicotine, alcohol, etc. As for prescription or OTC drugs, coordinate with your doctor to see if you can reduce/eliminate their use as your condition improves on this regimen; apply this regimen strictly enough and you probably won't need those drugs.
8. Reduce, eliminate, or protect against toxins, including chemical personal care products, radiation sources (cellphone, wifi, unnecessary X-rays or CT/PET scans, etc.), chemical cleaning products, air pollution, non-essential drugs/medical procedures, etc. It's also a good idea to replace metal dental fillings, which contain toxic mercury that constantly leaches into the body, and remove root canals, which unavoidably and perpetually harbor infections that affect the whole body.
9. Reduce stress, providing spiritual support.
10. Sunshine and exercise.
Because I'm treating my cancer, I have adopted a radical version of this regimen for therapeutic reasons (I've "eliminated" rather than "reduced"), including adding in lots of juicing, supplements, and other natural remedies (described in the Details link below). But you can tailor your own regimen to suit your needs; the greater the degree of adopting this regimen, the greater the degree of benefit, it's as simple as that. WIN AS MUCH AS YOU WISH. I hope you care enough to adopt a stricter regimen. If you are trying to prevent or treat a serious condition, you MUST adopt a radical degree of change to get significant results. And remember, it only works if you DO IT. And you have nothing to lose, because this regimen, at any degree, is RISK-FREE; it has ONLY benefits. And as a bonus, if you actually adopt this regimen to a significant degree, you WILL lose weight without trying, without counting calories, and without concern about portions (and even without exercise, although exercise is always good), because the biggest factor in weight loss is cutting the fat/oil; carbs are not the issue **** (click here for the fascinating science; link is also on my Resources page).
* "I need protein" IS A MYTH!!!! Protein is abundant in almost everything! "I need milk for calcium" IS A MYTH!!!! Milk depletes more calcium from your body than it supplies, because milk's proteins and fats acidify your body, so your body must expend calcium (from your bones) to alkalize. If you do go completely animal-product-free, take a vitamin B12 supplement.
** Refined grains are unfortunately the NORM! Watch out! They are the equivalent of sugar.
*** It's added to almost EVERYTHING! Watch out! If you want salt, use genuine sea salt for correct mineral balance. The real thing has color, grey or pink; if it's white, no matter what the label says, it's unhealthy refined salt.
**** "LOW CARB" IS THE BIGGEST MYTH OF ALL!!!!!!! Keeping in mind that refined grains are problematic because their lack of fiber and nutrients makes them empty calories, assuming you stick with whole grains, it's really dietary fat/oil that is the primary driver of weight gain. It's fat/oil that impairs insulin reception, causing Type-2 diabetes. It's fat/oil that causes cardiovascular disease. ALL REVERSIBLE by cutting fat/oil; if you don't get expected results, you haven't cut enough.. See the video links on my Resources page.
WHAT CAUSES CANCER? (Don't ask your doctor!!!)
Cancer is not the result of random occurrence, bad luck, DNA mutation, or genetic predisposition. It is caused by a chain reaction of factors:
1. Its root cause is fungal infection.*
The fungus commandeers the cells’ functions to serve itself. The offending fungus is unavoidable since it is ubiquitous, and already a part of the body’s microbiome. In an optimally healthy body, the fungus would be kept in check, in its normal balance in the microbiome. But when that balance is upset, the fungus prevails and fosters the proliferation of infected cells, forming a cancerous tumor.
2. Sub-optimal health and immunity.
The fungal infection is enabled and fostered by overburdened cells, including chronic inflammation, sub-optimal immune system, and weakened cellular function. This condition cannot keep the fungus in its normal balance in the microbiome, such that the fungus ultimately prevails and proliferates.
Overburdened cells are the result of unhealthy diet and lifestyle. Such unhealthy diet and lifestyle is common and considered conventional in the modern western world, such that the average person and average doctor are ignorant it is toxic.
If you eat a supermarket diet, and you do, this is you. The supermarket diet is laden with unhealthy products: inorganically produced foods, chemicals, sugar, oil, salt, processed foods, which burden and degrade your immune system and overall health. If you have other chronic conditions (obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, auto-immune disease, migraines, etc.), this is both proof of your sub-optimal condition, and an exacerbating factor. Diet is arguably the BIGGEST factor in causing cancer (and many other diseases); you really are what you eat.
The remedy is to switch to a therapeutic, radically healthy diet and lifestyle, which restores optimal cellular and immunity functions, and directly mitigates the fungus that is the root cause of cancer. This diet consists of plant foods, whole foods. No animal products, processed foods, chemicals, oil, refined salt, or refined sugar (including white flour and any non-whole-grains). Plenty of vegetables, fruit, legumes, whole grains, tubers. Add in abundant juicing. A high fiber diet is essential; besides its nutritional value, it feeds the gut microbiome, and heals the intestinal lining, these are HUGE factors. Avoid tap water; use filtered or bottled water (or well water, if pure). Quit taking random supplements, especially protein, iron, and calcium. Investigate supplements and herbs before creating a supplement regimen, but you should add in at least Vitamin D and Vitamin B12.
If there is a "family history" of cancer, what that really means is that the factors above are family traditions. Cancer is enabled by a cocktail of clearly identifiable factors largely within your control.
3. Stress.
Stress causes hormonal and inflammatory burdens, and weakens the immune system.
The remedy is to simplify your life, forgive, relax, pray, repent of sin, get right with God, be positive and courageous, etc. Exercise regularly.
4 Carcinogens.
In addition to the toxins described above, there are more in your lifestyle and environment. Eliminate substances such as smoking, alcohol, recreational drugs, etc. Try to wean off prescription and OTC drugs, as much as possible, in coordination with your doctor. Switch away from chemical-laden personal care products to natural products. Be aware of, and avoid, toxins in the environment in general, household or industrial chemicals, radiation associated with electronics, etc.
5. Conventional medical care.
Conventional medicine fails in treating or curing cancer because it utterly ignores these essential facts about the cause and cure, in favor of an incorrect theory that cancer is caused by genetic mutation or cell damage. As a result, drug treatments miss the target, and exacerbate the factors that enable the disease.
It is misguidedly and inexcusably pharmaceutically-focused instead of nutrition-focused. Its cancer treatments have an objectively poor track record. Its claims are often misleading. Oncologists are notoriously pushy, tunnel-visioned, and uninformative. Be very cautious and analytical about medical treatment before deciding. It may be right for you, or it may not. You have to take responsibility for your own care, do the research, ask the hard questions, and investigate all alternatives, in order to arrive at the most reliable conclusions. Because of the above factors, the entrenched momentum of conventionality, and the natural tendency to blindly trust and defer responsibility to “experts,” conventional medicine constitutes a very powerful and insidious HAZARD you need to be EXTRA cautious of. The remedy is to INVESTIGATE all options, patiently and thoroughly, before deciding on a path.
However, switching to the remedies above CANNOT HURT, and can ONLY HELP, even if you follow a path of conventional treatment. So don’t neglect the benefits of the natural remedies in any event.
Cancer does not have to be a deadly monster, it IS treatable with natural methods, and the improvement and cure rate of natural methods is FAR, FAR better than conventional medical treatment alone.
Strictness and consistency are required for the plan to be therapeutic and have the best chance to SAVE YOUR LIFE.