John Malki
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3/27/2021 - Acne curing
As you know from reading this website, soon after I was diagnosed with cancer in Feb. 2019, I discovered the truth and power of nutrition, and made a radical change to a plant-food, unprocessed diet. Since then, over time, as I continue to investigate and learn, my regimen evolves. I'd long since quit processed oils, but the latest evolution was quitting the "good" oils like olive oil or avocado oil. I immediately noticed some improvement in my acne. So after further research on the subject, I tried an experiment of cutting even fat/oil-rich whole foods that I was eating a lot of, like avocados, nuts/seeds, olives, and coconut milk, to see if it would improve even more.
Within THREE DAYS, my acne had noticeably receded, and was about 95% gone by day EIGHT. That was UNPRECEDENTED in my experience, it was like a miracle. The experiment is an undeniable success. Time will tell if this progress holds, I'm still early in the game as I write this. Yes, the anecdotal advice to quit, say, chocolate or milk, is actually on the right track because of their fat content, and for some people that works. But apparently the only solution for a stubborn case is to cut fat/oil DRASTICALLY.
I've been dealing with acne continuously since I was a kid, at least FORTY YEARS now. Back in the day, I'd been through the poisons of antibiotics and Accutane, that only work temporarily. I had tried every other type of dietary changes (even my initial radical diet change wasn't enough). The only relief I could ever get was by using topical creams like Clearasil, but it required religious daily use to get good enough results, and such consistency was hard to sustain. But on this latest diet regimen, it is resolving, with no effort. And as far as I'm concerned, all disease is systemic, so anything that improves health in any way helps helps broadly, including as to cancer.
All this time, FORTY YEARS, it was that simple. Yet no traditional "doctor" knows this. Meanwhile, this is old news in certain naturopathic circles (thank you Dr. John McDougall). FORTY YEARS. Tried everything. Then remarkable progress in only about ONE WEEK. The irony is shocking. There ya go.
I added ozone infusions and mistletoe injections to my cancer therapy regimen. These are provided by my naturopathic doctor.
Over time, I'm constantly adjusting my non-medical therapy regimen as I research and experiment with new things. I get monthly blood tests to monitor certain key cancer markers, and the numbers have been trending downward over the past 6 months, after having had no discernable pattern for the previous 3 years. Well, continuing that recent trend of improvement, in my recent blood test I just got an ALL-TIME LOW number, which I'm cautiously classifying as a MAJOR milestone. The occurrence of this new low number correlates with the mistletoe therapy I recently added, which seems to suggest it is working as I hoped it would. From the moment I implemented my non-medical regimen 3-1/2 years ago, the trajectory of my results has always been towards improvement; the progress has been slow, and sprinkled with periods of no discernible change, but there have been NO setbacks, the net results have ALWAYS been in the direction of improvement, and the overall improvement has been significant and unprecedented. As far as I'm concerned, the standard clinical classification is no longer relevant in my case; I have personally, confidently long since reclassified my case as no longer "terminal."
Feb. 14, 2023 was the 4th anniversary of my cancer diagnosis. I've turned that anniversary into a milestone, I've ENDED the cancer diagnosis as of that day. Here's how I came to that conclusion.
The disease I was diagnosed with is malignant Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ZES). At the time of the diagnosis, the PET scan showed I had 1 large primary tumor, and 35 small metastases/tumors (all 36 were neuroendocrine tumors, "gastrinomas"). Other than surgery, which is not applicable in my case, there is no medical method that can cure or diminish this disease. What they call "treatment" is a misnomer, it's a drug that is just palliative, relieving symptoms only. Late in the game they may throw chemotherapy at it, knowing it's futile. With or without "treatment," the clinical profile is that the tumors always grow and multiply, slowly but relentlessly, until at some point they turn aggressive and prevail over the patient. My original prognosis was "5-10 years." So the normal expectation would be that today, at this 4-year mark, my disease would be more advanced than it was then.
But the opposite has occurred. I have considerably LESS disease at the 4-year mark. Over the past 4 years (having declined conventional treatment), through prayer and non-medical, "alternative" methods (radical nutrition), the trajectory of my disease has been permanently reversed, resulting in significant diminishment. I'm not in a hurry to absorb another high dose of radiation from another PET scan to get a current picture, so based on extrapolating from a series of prior PET scans showing steady, dramatic diminishment of the original 35 small tumors, and the consistent absence of pain that a few of them originally caused, I have concluded that by now their trajectory has long since brought them to ZERO, they are all GONE. The remaining primary tumor shrunk about 15% in diameter in the first year, but since then has remained stable in size. Blood tests have shown a pattern of diminishing tumor functionality.
Here's the point. ZES can occur as either of two types: benign or malignant. The benign classification applies to cases where there are no metastases, in other words, in which it has not spread beyond the 1 primary tumor. The cancerous classification applies to cases in which the tumor has spread (or otherwise behaves in an aggressive, fast-growing manner); it's the metastases that are the real hazard. My original condition was classified as cancerous because of the presence of the 35 metastases/small tumors, which were in the liver, lymph nodes, and bones. However, my present unprecedentedly improved condition, of having only 1 primary tumor remaining, unprecedentedly not growing, and without any metastases remaining, is consistent with the benign variety of ZES. In other words, although I still have a gastrinoma tumor, and it still produces its typical diabolical biochemical symptoms (which I take OTC drugs to alleviate), it fits the clinical definition of a "benign" gastrinoma, not "cancer." If I walked into the doctor's office for the first time at this point, in this condition, the diagnosis I'd get is "benign gastrinoma," not cancer. So a reclassification is in order. This reclassification has not been made by my doctor (I inquired, no luck, not surprisingly), since in the rigid box of orthodox oncology, ZES, especially the malignant variety, has never been known to regress, and my "alternative" methodology and corresponding undeniably successful results have, bizarrely, still not dislodged my doctor from that rigid box. My doctor is incorrect on this point, being stuck in the narrow paradigm of orthodox oncology, preferring to remain in the comfort of conventionality over the scary prospect of independent analysis, despite the avalanche of evidence of my real healing. So my doctor is not the final authority on the matter, the actual reality is, and that reality is what it is: the trajectory of the disease has indeed reversed, out of the cancer classification. So based on meeting the criteria of benign ZES, I'm stating the reclassification accordingly, appropriately as of the 4-year anniversary:
I DO NOT HAVE CANCER. Cancer was my former condition, it's not my present condition. Instead I have a benign gastrinoma. The death sentence has been nullified. Accordingly, I've adjusted my prognosis: I'm going to die of old age.
I can now say I'm a "cancer survivor," or have "beaten cancer." But I did something more important than what those descriptions imply, what I did was remove the factors that promote disease, and add the factors that promote healing, and as a result, I only got better and better all the time. The word for that is "CURE." I have had zero setbacks along this journey. The side effects have all been abundant benefits, no pain or injury. The changes have always been in the direction of healing, never getting worse. It's not "remission," which is actually an artificial, drug-induced, temporary suppression of tumors, subject to recurrence since the root cause remains. By contrast, my improvement is solid because it is real healing.
THERE YA GO. What a ride. God is very good. I appreciate your prayers through this journey and moving forward. My continuing goal is to eradicate the residual benign gastrinoma tumor entirely.
Today is the 5-year anniversary of my cancer diagnosis. Upon the diagnosis, my doctor said the prognosis was, "with treatment, 5-10 years." In other words, the cancer won't kill me soon, but it will kill me right after that. So at this 5-year mark, it would be expected I'd be in worse condition, and in fact probably into the "aggressive" phase of the disease. But thank God I found an alternative, natural, effective method to address it. Now, 5 years later, and WITHOUT the prescribed "treatment," I'm not worse, but better. A LOT better. UNPRECEDENTEDLY better. My original condition upon diagnosis, consisting of 1 primary, malignant, growing tumor + 35 growing metastases, has improved; now it's 1 primary, benign, somewhat shrunken, non-growing tumor + ZERO metastases (the metastases were the deadly component). In other words, I have beaten terminal cancer. This website tells the whole story.
Did I mention that was through natural methods, not medical treatment? Turns out cancer is not so deadly after all, IF you know what your doctor was never taught, namely what to avoid that promotes cancer, and what to incorporate to promote healing of it. This concept is applicable broadly, including to all the major chronic diseases; if you eliminate the factors that promote disease, and abundantly add in the factors that promote health and healing, YOU GET BETTER.
The moral of the story is: If you follow your doctor's advice for cancer, or other common, chronic diseases, you get the results that doctors offer, limited or dismal as that may be. In the past 5 years I have watched several people around me faithfully follow their doctor's advice, politely decline my suggestion to consider the alternative proven by my results (and many others'), then politely die of cancer, consistent with their prognosis, right on schedule. But if you expect, seek, and find a better alternative, you will do better, in fact you may well LIVE instead of DIE, if you care about that sort of thing, enough to implement radical, beneficial lifestyle changes. If, no I mean WHEN, you get diagnosed with cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, auto-immune disease, etc., think about my alternative-method success story before rushing to any conclusions, and consider the real risk of depending on precarious, often temporary, remission..
Jesus put it this way: A sower scattered seed. Some fell on the hard-packed pathway, some on stony ground, some on thorn-infested ground, and some on good soil. Not surprisingly, the first three examples did not survive. But the seed that fell on good soil flourished and produced an abundant crop. The "seed" is TRUTH, and the ground is YOU. The truth, messenger, and surrounding support were the same in all cases, the only difference, the critical factor determining success, was the RECEPTIVENESS OF THE RECIPIENT. In other words, what are your competing compulsions diverting you from simply accepting unpopular truth? Receive what God has for you, whether in your health or more importantly in your soul, by simply quitting established or convenient objections, and humbly being OPEN to what actually succeeds in bringing LIFE.
It's overwhelming to reach this milestone in this thriving condition. I'm not talking about simply having endured discomfort, passively yielded myself into the care of experts, or fortuitously survived the passage of time. I mean actively, relentlessly, daily, navigating through hazards and obstacles, analyzing heaps of conflicting information, probing and dueling with experts, trying new things, taking responsibility for my own well-being, absorbing the scorn of naysayers and apathetics, investing profuse and inconvenient time and effort doing uncommon but essential things, crafting and committing to strict regimens, abandoning prior preferences and habits, swimming upstream against the current of entrenched conventionality and cultural momentum, pursuing a specific strategy to get this otherwise "impossible" beneficial result, sticking to the plan even at the cost of offending people I'd rather not offend, and still dealing with normal life in the process, all of this often dragging late into the night, without having taken a SINGLE day off yet just to rest or catch up. I never asked God why, I never got mad, I never complained, I never permitted myself to entertain fear or despair. Instead, I keep praying, I always move FORWARD, I'm never content to accept failure, I always search for solutions, I always expect improvement, I always believe God is doing me good. I didn't expect to be in this club, but it turned into an opportunity to grow in ways I otherwise wouldn't. It's been a continuous, busy expedition for 5 years straight; anything less and I'd be done for. All of that is what makes this milestone overwhelming.
Whenever people ask how I'm doing (thank you for asking), I look back and find zero setbacks, only beneficial progress, so that's what I always enjoy enthusiastically reporting. As always, team, thanks for your continued prayers and encouragement, I really appreciate it.
July 2024
On the one hand, scans have shown the last holdout tumor has remained continuously stable, not changing in size. But on the other hand, blood tests, for three specific tumor markers, have shown slowly diminishing numbers recently, which can only mean diminishing tumor functionality. Although the numbers remain abnormally high due to the continuing existence of the tumor, in June, one of the three tests hit its lowest number EVER, then in July, ANOTHER record low. Just another day in the life of BEATING CANCER, marking the consistent pattern of ZERO setbacks, and ALL changes being IMPROVEMENT, all due to non-conventional/medical methods. I think I've said this before, but it bears repeating: Whether it's cancer, cardiovascular disease, auto-immune diseases, diabetes, migraines, obesity, acne, joint pain, etc., if you remove the common diet/lifestyle/spiritual factors that promote disease, and abundantly add in the diet/lifestyle/spiritual factors that promote health and healing, something happens that doctors are unfamiliar with, YOU GET BETTER. If I tend to sprinkle my good reports with criticisms of the dismal inferiority of conventionality, maybe that's because IT'S SO FREAKISHLY RELEVANT.