John Malki
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Everybody, without exception, who hears my NATURAL-THERAPY-caused cancer healing story is congratulatory and supportive. But when I recommend the lifestyle changes as essential for health and cures, including to cancer patients, most of them disregard it. The proof of its success and benefits in my case is lost on them. Too many times I've heard cancer patients respond to my suggestions with an assertion of trusting their doctor or accepting the conventional treatment ... and then within a matter of months they are dead. Five-year survival statistics are practically an admission that the disease will eventually kill you, because conventional treatment is not a CURE. Why not try a method that actually has a chance of cure?
After I started the natural therapy, I asked my oncologist whether a better diet could treat cancer. It was a rhetorical question since I knew she was trapped in the conventional paradigm. She answered with what I think is the standard stance of the average person, something to the effect of: "of course the typical diet is not optimally healthy, we could all stand to improve our diet." It's enough of an acknowledgment to not reject the benefit completely, but not enough acknowledgment or acceptance to actually cause any change.
The problem is:
1. It just doesn't seem CREDIBLE that the conventional wisdom could be SO WRONG. There is a stong belief that if a food is available in the marketplace, it must have passed some government standard of health and safety. There is a stong belief that if your doctor doesn't recommend this "radical" diet, it must not be valid or important. But yet the conventional wisdom is indeed SO WRONG, the government health and safety standards are woefully inadequate and misguided, and the medical establishment is woefully ignorant of the benefits of this diet (and is virtually a willing slave of the pharmaceutical industry). In other words, NOBODY IS IN CHARGE, and the result is a typical belief that is arbitrary and unreliable. Flavor and profit are the strongest dynamics, superseding virtually everything else.
2. To change would require giving up things that are so well-liked (like cheese, bacon, steak, chicken, cake and ice cream, fast food, etc.). That is true. But once you learn the truth about how toxic such things are, and experience the tangible benefits of healthier alternatives, the more you lose your appetite for them.
3. The lifestyle change requires effort and diligence. Yup, you have to care enough to be committed to follow through. But the more you do it, the more natural and easier it becomes. Just like ANY edifying, growth-promoting, maturity-building, destruction-avoiding, long-term-thinking, big-picture, conscientious, adult thing.
4. What makes this lifestyle difficult is that it is DIFFERENT. If, hypothetically, there were no processed foods on the shelf in the grocery store or restaurant, if you could just accept whatever is available without the need to scrutinize and screen it, if the status quo was oriented around healthy standards without the need to invent a new routine, it would be MUCH easier, it would be NORMAL. So the difficulty is not so much inherent in the healthy lifestyle, but in the CONTRAST between it and the popular, dominant status quo. So once you have adapted to the new standards, it's much easier, because it's your new normal.
5. People think their present diet is healthy; they don't realize how bad it is. It's actually horrible; but people are innocently ignorant of the facts.
6. The hazards seem too detached from the diet; people think they're healthy, have no risk of serious disease, or don't see the link between diet and disease. It takes time for diet to have its effect, whether good or bad, and the changes occur incrementally. That detachment between the act of eating a particular thing, and the eventual outcome makes it difficult to see the link, or follow through on changes. But the risks and links exist; the only way to escape the inevitable hazards is to be sober and objective about them over the long haul.
If you need to treat a serious or chronic condition, or just want to improve your health or prevent disease, you need to commit to a permanent lifestyle change, otherwise you just won't make enough changes to make a significant difference, or won't stick with it. If you intend to do it experimentally, or want to see if there are certain factors more necessary than others for your particular needs, there are two ways to approach utilizing this method. You could do it gradually, making individual changes one at at time and seeing what results you get. Or you could just change EVERYTHING first, for example for a set period of 60 days, then undo certain changes one by one to distinguish what is most essential. Between those two approaches, I recommend the latter because by taking the former approach, it could take forever to discover what's relevant, and you would not get the benefit in the meantime. The latter approach will address your problem AUTOMATICALLY, IMMEDIATELY, while you later fiddle around trying to see what cheating you can get away with. (I don't recommend cheating, I recommend a permanent, radical lifestyle change, but this is advice for those who still aren't convinced and need to take it slower, which is better than doing nothing).
Are you going to follow the ignorant herd, or your ignorant doctor, blindly over the cliff? Or wake up and make the beneficial changes while there's time to improve? Up until now you didn't know you were doing harm to yourself. Now you do. Do you care? You can take control away from the misguided influences and patterns, and control your own course. What kind of person do you want to be?
As to my "quitting" numerous whole categories of foods, that may sound too strict and unsustainable for you to consider adopting. But it's not about will-power or even commitment. It's about understanding the truth. It's actually quite easy for me to avoid what I avoid because ... I KNOW IT'S NOT FOOD, and now that I know that, I can't un-know it.
You don't eat wood, wax, or feathers because it's not food, and similarly I don't eat "enriched" flour, ice cream, or bacon because it's not food. So it's not even tempting. It's as simple as that. Plus, now that I've experienced the abundant benefits of living on only REAL FOOD, actually suitable for human biology, I have no desire to go back to the degenerating pattern I successfully escaped from; the hook in that bait is just too conspicuous to ignore. This fitting way of living just gets easier and more natural the longer I do it.
When people hear about my situation, they often ask what I "can" or "can't" eat. As if I'm under doctor's orders or something. I'm not, I crafted my diet guidelines myself, refining them continuously over time as I learn and experience. Or as if I'm deprived of some things. But I "can" eat anything I want. The question is, what food do I want, based on what outcome do I want? Since I have a preferred outcome of optimal health and healing, I willingly choose what promotes that, and easily avoid what doesn't. Some people, seeing the benefit of this lifestyle, or hearing me encourage it, lament what they would have to "give up" if they were to adopt a healthier diet, things they love (cheese is always top of the list; not surprising since it's chemically addictive on multiple levels). But I haven't "given up" or lamented anything, I've just lost interest in the things that I know are harmful, because the harm is very motivating to NOT GET. Cheese just doesn't interest me anymore.
So I eat whatever yummy REAL FOOD I want, as much as I want. I never count calories or protein or anything. I never go hungry, deprived, or unsatisfied. And I stay trim and healthy without even trying.
My diet is not limiting, it's liberating.
Your unhealthiness or weight problem is not because of your genetics, personality, history, bad luck, lack of will-power, lack of exercise, or lack of conscientiousness about health or diet. It's because you don't know that the "foods" you are eating are not suitable human food. Swap in REAL FOODS for the non-foods, and your health, weight, and overall well-being will dramatically improve by itself.
Recommended diet guidelines:
Lisle (weight loss is not about carbs/calories, but fat)
The list of NATURAL therapeutic factors I've incorporated into my successful therapy is very, very long. Of those, the number of them recommended by my doctors was: NONE. And while I use a few drugs for necessary relief of symptoms caused by my cancer, the list of medical or pharmaceutical therapeutic factors I have used for the cancer itself is: NONE (there aren't any for my disease, and as for medical therapies for other types of cancer, they are typically a false hope). In other words, if I had trusted or followed my doctors' advice (ALL SEVEN of my doctors unanimously had nothing curative), I'd be WORSE off today, and on a trajectory locked on target DEATH, rather than the reality that I'm BETTER off today, and on the road of HEALING. I hate to toot my own horn, but (1) I've earned it, and (2) I do it for YOU: YOU CAN THINK FOR YOURSELF AND DO BETTER THAN ANY EXPERT, if the expert happens to be wrong. And very often they are. More often than you think. Especially on the subject of health, but on a lot of other things as well. If you don't get the answers you need, KEEP SEARCHING; they may well be out there, buried under an avalanche of BIAS and CONVENTIONALITY that you have to DILIGENTLY, OBJECTIVELY, and COURAGEOUSLY dismantle. Solomon put it this way: "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." (Proverbs 14:12; 16:25). Jesus put it this way: "Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it." (Matthew 7:13-14). This is applicable both spiritually and in every other way; it's no coincidence that many biblical/spiritual lessons apply across the spectrum of all aspects of life. Scrutiny of conventionality saved my life twice; first spiritually, then physically. Maybe it will save your two lives too, IF YOU APPLY IT.